Bishop Schneider’s Comments re: Amoris Laetitia


The paradox of the contradictory interpretations of « Amoris laetitia »

“The recently published Apostolic Exhortation «Amoris laetitia« (AL), which contains a plethora of spiritual and pastoral riches with regard to life within marriage and the Christian family in our times, has unfortunately, within a very short time, led to very contradictory interpretations even among the episcopate.   …..”

The full text is available here.

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Progress in Sudbury

April 17, 2016, Fr. Vincenzo Fiori celebrated a a polyphonic mass for the Sudbury Latin Mass community together with the new bishop of the diocese, Marcel Damphousse. PLease see below for a video of the entire liturgy:

The Sudbury Latin Mass community also has a new website.

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Solemn Vespers & Benediction Every Sunday at Sts Joachim & Ann, Aldergrove

Sts Joachim & Ann Parish in Aldergrove, BC under the pastoral care of the Rev. William Ashley, has recently restored the venerable tradition of celebrating Sunday Vespers according to the 1962 Roman Breviary. Vespers is sung at 4:00pm and is followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Booklets with Latin and English are provided for the use of the faithful.

“It is greatly to be desired that they [the faithful] participate in reciting or chanting vespers sung in their own parish on feast days. We earnestly exhort you, Venerable Brethren, to see that this pious practice is kept up, and that wherever it has ceased you restore it if possible. This, without doubt, will produce salutary results when vespers are conducted in a worthy and fitting manner and with such helps as foster the piety of the faithful… All should come to our churches and there be taught the truth of the Catholic faith, sing the praises of God, be enriched with benediction of the blessed sacrament given by the priest and be strengthened with help from heaven against the adversities of this life. Let all try to learn those prayers which are recited at vespers and fill their souls with their meaning. When deeply penetrated by these prayers, they will experience what St. Augustine said about himself: “How much did I weep during hymns and verses, greatly moved at the sweet singing of thy Church. Their sound would penetrate my ears and their truth melt my heart, sentiments of piety would well up, tears would flow and that was good for me.” – Pius XII, Mediator Dei, 150

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Deus ex Machina Blog: Interview with Una Voce International President, Felipe Suarez


This interview with Mr. Suarez was originally given an interview to the French website Paix Liturgique. The English translation was done by the blog, Deus Ex Machina.

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LMS Chairman: How to read the forthcoming Exhortation

Everyone is talking about the Post Synodal Exhortation, so why not jump on the bandwagon? Here is some advice which almost everyone will ignore from LMS Chairman, Dr. Joseph Shaw.

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Event Notice: 5 Day Traditional Parish Mission in Winnipeg


5 Day Traditional Parish Mission The 99 Left Behind with Fr Sean Kopczynski MSJB begins Sunday April 3rd to Thursday April 7th 2016 at St Ann’s parish, 271 Hampton Street Winnipeg. Visit the Latin Mass Society of Winnipeg for more information.


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VTMS Day of Recollection at Westminster Abbey

Saturday February 13th, the Vancouver Traditional Mass Society held a Lenten day of recollection at the Benedictine run Westminster Abbey in Mission, BC. The recollection, attended by over 60 people, was preached by Fr Pablo Santa Maria of Holy Rosary Cathedral and included a magnificent sung Mass in the Abbey church.

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Event Notice: Solemn Traditional Latin Triduum in Toronto

Sacred Triduum 2016

We are pleased to announce that the Solemn Paschal Triduum according to the Roman Missal of 1962 will be held this year in Toronto. Read the full announcement from Una Voce Toronto.

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Call for event notifications

Lent is upon us again. Please help Traditional Catholics across Canada stay in touch with any special Lenten events this year. If any of our readers or affiliates have an upcoming Lenten event or know of one coming up elsewhere please contact us and we will gladly post the notification on our website. These could include retreats, days of recollection, educational events, and of course special celebrations of the Holy Mass and Divine Office, especially the offices of Tenebrae during Holy Week.

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Event Notice: Summer Theology Program in Norcia

Since 2012, the Albertus Magnus Center for Scholastic Studies, in cooperation with the Benedictine Monks of Norcia, has offered a two-week summer theology program at the birthplace of SS. Benedict and Scholastica. This year, for their fifth summer, the Center has planned a truly marvelous program: “The Transcendent Christ: St. Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews.”

Participants will study St. Thomas Aquinas’s commentary on Hebrews, exploring its rich teaching on Christology, priesthood, sacrifice, sacraments, and worship. The Epistle offers the opportunity to explore the topic of grace as it is found in its source, Jesus Christ, the Head of the Mystical Body, and, in particular, on how the excellence of the work of Christ has a three-fold extension: to the whole of creation, to the rational creature, and to the justification of the saints.

The faculty will include Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, as well as Fr. Thomas Crean, OP, Br. Evagrius Hayden, OSB. John Joy, Christopher Owens, and Daniel Lendman. Guest lectures will be delivered by monks from the monastery, including its prior, Fr. Cassian Folsom, OSB. (It bears noting that, over the years, we have featured numerous items in connection with Fr. Cassian, such as this talk on sacred music, an article by Br. Evagrius, and the superb photography of Mr. Owens.)

Read the full article on New Liturgical Movement, or visit the program website for more information.


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