Category Archives: Uncategorized

“The love of Tradition brings people together”

This article by Francis Lee first appeared in Crisis Magazine on May 28, 2020. *** An interview with the Reverend Canon Matthew Talarico, Director of Vocations and Provincial Superior of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.  Q: What … Continue reading

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Come Creator Spirit!

By Mark Emerson Donnelly Composer-in-Residence Veni Creator Spiritus Gregorian Chant (9th Century) Organum Novi Mundi  by Mark Emerson Donnelly (1990) (Links to both the PDF and practice video below) ***** It seems to be a universal sentiment in the literature of ancient Greece, … Continue reading

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US bishops approve Communion on the tongue as public Masses are set to resume

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has stated that it is “possible to distribute [Holy Communion] on the tongue without unreasonable risk.” According to a memo sent on April 30 to all US bishops by USCCB Committee on Divine … Continue reading

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“An uplifting gift”: “Gloria” from Mark Emerson Donnelly’s Missa Sicut Cervus

After recently singing his appreciation for the front-line nurses, doctors, and other health professionals fighting to stem the tide of the coronavirus pandemic, on Easter Sunday, April 12, Mark Emerson Donnelly premiered a video of the “Gloria” from his Missa … Continue reading

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Resources for use during the coronavirus pandemic

The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales has put together a catalogue of online resources for use during the coronavirus pandemic. The catalogue can be found here. The resources are grouped as follows: The Mass The Sacraments (in light … Continue reading

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FIUV press release: new Prefaces and saints for the Extraordinary Form

On March 25, 2020, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) issued two decrees affecting the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (Traditional Latin Mass). The International Una Voce Federation (FIUV) has issued the following press release. More … Continue reading

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The How and Why of Sacred Music Composition in the 21st Century

By Mark Emerson Donnelly (Una Voce Canada Composer in Residence) I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to Una Voce Canada for promoting me and my work as a full-time composer of sacred music. This is about my approach … Continue reading

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