Articles on the Mass

Below is a selection of articles on the history and spirituality of the Traditional Latin Mass, by a series of eminent Catholic thinkers, both lay and clerical. If you know of an article that should be included in this list please let us know.

Brief History of Revisions to the Roman Missal
The Church’s Year

Fr. Kenneth Baker

Fr. Ignacio Barreiro

  1. The Ancient Mass at St. Mary Major

Hillaire Belloc

  1. The Great Heresies

John Burke

  1. Latin Mass in Latin America

Dom Gerard Calvet

  1. Let the War of Rites Cease – address at the 10th anniversary of the Ecclesia Dei Celebrations 1998

Neri Capponi, D.Cn.L., LL.D.

  1. Bishops Against the Pope
  2. The Crisis Of Our Times

Dario Card. Castrillon Hoyos

Right Rev. Msgr. John P. Chidwick

  1. Splendour Of External Worship

Launch of CIEL, U. K.

  1. Glory of the Silent Canon

Rev. Dr. M.P.F Cullinan, M.A., Ph.D., S.T.B

  1. A Treasure Worth Preserving

Leo Darroch

  1. The Development of the Mass Since 1960
  2. The Hundred Years War

Michael Davies

  1. Dietrich Von Hildebrand on Vatican II: a ‘Great Misfortune’
  2. The Wave of the Future:  A Reply to Archbishop Weakland
  3. The Missal of 1962 – A Rock of Stability
  4. The Destruction of Traditional Roman Rite
  5. The Development of the Roman Rite
  6. It is the Mass that Matters
  7. True and False Liturgical Reform
  8. An Unexpected Defense of Tradition
  9. The Right to Beauty
  10. Short History of the Roman Mass
  11. Renewal or Revolution
  12. The International Una Voce Federation History and Current Status
  13. Eucharistic Prayer II its problems and background
  14. Twenty Years Of Priesthood, Ten Years Of Foundation
  15. The Pontifical Tridentine Mass Of Cardinal Ratzinger
  16. Adrian Fortescue Priest and Scholar
  17. The Wave of the Future  A Reply to Archbishop Weakland
  18. Interview With Michael Davies
  19. Response To Msgr. Francis Mannion
  20. Revised General Instruction and Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament

Ecclesia Dei, Rome 1998

  1. Padre Pio’s Pilgrimage
  2. Ecclesia Dei Celebrations
  3. Card. Ratzinger’s Address – Oct 24, 1998
  4. Address of the Holy Father to the Ecclesia Dei Pilgrims – Oct 26, 1998
  5. Dom Gerard Calvet Address

Dr. M. J. Ferrari (Canon Lawyer, Ottawa, Canada)

  1. The stones will cry out


Position Papers

These papers are offered to stimulate and inform debate about the 1962 Missal among Catholics ‘attached to the ancient Latin liturgical tradition’, and others interested in the
liturgical renewal of the Church. The positions taken in these papers are not considered binding on the Una Voce Federation or its members associations; they are simply
presented as useful contributions to the debate. Nor are they to be taken to imply personal or moral criticism of those today or in the past who have adopted practices or
advocated reforms which are subjected to criticism. In composing these papers we adopt the working assumption that our fellow Catholics act in good will, but that nevertheless
a vigorous and well-informed debate is absolutely necessary if those who act in good will are to do so in light of a proper understanding of the issues.

Jackie Freppon

  1. The Veil derived from a book in progress called: “The Unveiled Woman”

Fr. Ignatius Harrison – Provost of Brompton Oratory

  1. The Classical Rite of the Catholic Church

Patrick Harvey

  1. The Pope’s Latinist

Institute of Christ the King

  1. Common Misconceptions about the Latin Mass

Prof. Peter Kwasniewski

  1. What Do “the People in the Pews” Deserve? On the Right of the Faithful to Integrally Catholic Worship
  2. Things That Remit Venial Sins: The Traditional Liturgy Is Full of Them
  3. “Song Befits the Lover”: Understanding the Place of Gregorian Chant in the Mass
  4. St. Thomas Aquinas’s Early Commentary on the Mass
  5. Two Different Treasure Chests
  6. The Logic of Incarnation and the Temptation of Disincarnation
  7. The Ambitiousness and Modesty of Summorum Pontificum (for the Ninth Anniversary of the Motu Proprio)
  8. Sacred Music vs. “Praise & Worship” – Does it Matter? (Pt. I)
  9. Sacred Music vs. “Praise & Worship” – Does it Matter? (Pt. II)
  10. Is “Contemporary” Church Music a Good Example of Inculturation?

Fr. Arnaud de Lassus

  1. The Juridical Status of the Tridentine Mass

Latin Mass Magazine

  1. Losing Fragments With Communion in the Hand

Brother David Mary, M.I.C.M., Tert.

  1. The German Positive School

Cardinal Mayer

  1. Cardinal Mayer at the fourth C.I.E.L. Colloquium

Alfred Marnau

  1. The Agatha Christie Indult

Fr. James L. Meagher, D.D. 1906

  1. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part I
  2. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part II
  3. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part III
  4. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part IV
  5. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part V
  6. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part VI
  7. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part VII
  8. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part VIII
  9. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part IX
  10. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part X
  11. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part XI
  12. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part XII
  13. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part XIII
  14. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part XIV
  15. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part XV
  16. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part XVI
  17. The Holy Sacrifice Of The Mass Part XVII

Vittorio Messori

Andrew Meszaros

  1. The Importance of Latin in the Life of the Church

Fr. John W. Mole

  1. Assault on the Roman Rite
  2. The Affilicted Church of God
  3. Thus Speaks Ratzinger
  4. Liturgical Peace
  5. Shadows of Pseudo Reform

Don Pietro Leone Monselice

  1. The Roman Rite Old and New
  2. Catholicism, Protestantism, and the theology of the New Roman Rite
  3. The theology of the Traditional and New Rites: Offertory, Canon, and the ‘Eucharistic Prayers’
  4. The theology of the New Mass: crisis in faith in the Real Presence, Sacramental Priesthood, and the Ends of the Mass
  5. The theology of the New Mass: Latin, Orientation, Altar as Table, Participation
  6. The New Mass and the Church: the underlying theology of the New Rite is Protestant and motivated by Ecumenism
  7. The New Mass and the Cult of Men: liturgy “etsi Deus non daretur”
  8. The New Mass destroyed centuries of propers
  9. The motivation behind the New Mass? A liturgy for the World
  10. Conclusion & Epilogue

Peter P. Orlowski

  1. Mysterious Letter

Dr. Robert L. Phillip – Chairman of Una Voce Hartford and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Connecticut.

  1. Western Culture and the Mass of the Roman Rite

Dr. Lauren Pristas

  1. The Orations of the Vatican II Missal: Policies for Revision
  2. The Collects at Sunday Mass: An Examination of the Revisions of Vatican II
  3. The Pre- and Post-Vatican II Collects of the Dominican Doctors of the Church

Archbishop Albert Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don

  1. Changes in liturgy since Vatican II ‘mixed bag of results’
  2. Faith, Obedience and Theology – Challenges to the Mission of the Church today

Dr. John Rao

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

  1. The Mass Reduced to a Show
  2. We are surely on the wrong path, 1997
  3. Ten Years of the Motu Proprio “Ecclesia Dei” 1998

Fr. Chad Ripperger, FSSP

  1. Spirituality of the Ancient Liturgy
  2. Conservative vs. Traditional Catholicism
  3. The Spirituality of the Ancient Liturgy Part 1
  4. The Spirituality of the Ancient Liturgy Part Two
  5. Modern Philosophy and the Liturgical Development
  6. The Unity of the Sacrament of Holy Orders
  7. De Principiis Missae – Liturgical Aetiology
  8. Detachment Conference – Lincoln 12/4/1999
  9. The Merit Of A Mass

Dr. Eric de Savanthem

  1. The English Indult — “An Object of Fraternal Envy”

Burton Scott

  1. Eucharistic Prayer II and the Canon of Hippolytus

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

  1. Calvary and the Mass

Fr. Stephen Shield

  1. The Traditional Latin Rite in the Church Today

Edward T. Snyder

  1. Distorting Hippolytus

Alphonse Cardinal Stickler

  1. The Attractiveness of the Tridentine Mass
  2. Your Movement Has Full Legitimacy

Hugh Thwaites, S.J.

  1. Thoughts on the New Rite of Mass

Father Romano Tommasi

  1. The Construction Of The New Mass Part I
  2. The Construction Of The New Mass Part II

Andrea Tornelli

  1. Fr. Louis Demornex Turns To The Ancient Rite

Dr. Eric Vermehren de Saventhem

  1. Prophetic address

St. Vincent of Lérins

  1. St. Vincent of Lérins ‘Commonitorium’ Part I
  2. St. Vincent of Lérins ‘Commonitorium’ Part II
  3. St. Vincent of Lérins ‘Commonitorium’ Part III
  4. St. Vincent Of Lérins ‘Commonitorium’ Part IV
  5. St. Vincent Of Lérins ‘Commonitorium’ Part V

Alice von Hildebrand

  1. Present at the Demolition
  2. Fleeting Fads and Eternal Truth

Dietrich von Hildebrand

  1. The Case for the Latin Mass

Evelyn Waugh

  1. The Same Again, Please

Thomas E. Woods Jr.

  1. Extraordinary Form 101