By Mark Emerson Donnelly
Vídimus stellam ejus in Oríente, et vénimus cum munéribus adoráre Dóminum.
“We have seen a star in the East, and are come with gifts to adore the Lord.”
(Matthew 2:2; from the Mass of the Epiphany, January 6th)

So quotes Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene in Divine Intimacy, his guide to Carmelite spirituality. He continues:
[The Magi] saw the star and immediately set out. They had no doubts: their unbounded faith was strong and sure. They did not hesitate at the prospect of the trials of a long journey: they had generous hearts. They did not postpone the journey: their souls were ready.
A star often appears in the heaven of our souls; it is an inspiration from God, clear and intimate, urging us to greater generosity and calling us to a life of closer union with Him. Like the Magi, we too must always follow our star with faith, promptness and selfless generosity. If we allow it to guide us, it will certainly lead us to God; it will bring us to the One whom we are seeking.
The Magi did not give up their quest, although the star – at one point – disappeared from their sight. We should follow their example and their perseverance, even when we are in interior darkness. This is a trial of faith which is overcome only by the exercise of pure, naked faith. I know that He wills it, I know that God is calling, and this suffices for me: Scio cui credidi et certus sum; I know whom I have believed, and I am certain. (2 Tim 1:12) No matter what happens, I shall trust Him.
In this spirit, let us accompany the Magi to adore the new-born King. “And as they brought forth from among their treasures mystical gifts, let us from our hearts bring forth something fit to offer Him” (Roman Breviary).
It has been about thirteen months since Catherine and I made the decision to follow our star, namely, to make “composing music for the greater glory of God and the strengthening of souls” the focus of my musical life. However, as for many of you, this year has been a cloudy one, often concealing our star. Nonetheless, we follow the Magi’s example and persevere, “even when we are in interior darkness.”
Many of you persevered with us, providing spiritual and financial support. With that support, and the tireless dedication of filmmaker Nathan Douglas, we are now able to present the short documentary CANTUS FIRMUS – The Music of Mark Emerson Donnelly.
The documentary can also be viewed at my YouTube channel and new channel.
If you find CANTUS FIRMUS inspiring, and wish to support us as we continue our journey of creating new music which rests firmly on the foundation of Catholic tradition, we would be most grateful. Please consider making a donation:
- WonderWe – Mark Emerson Donnelly: Catholic Composer
- Una Voce Canada (select “MED Composer” from the dropdown menu; Revenue Canada tax receipt available)
- Send a cheque (payable to Una Voce Canada; Memo: MED Composer) to Una Voce Canada, P.O. Box 30027, North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Y8 (Revenue Canada tax receipt available)